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Mortgage Broker Toronto Tips for Newbies

By March 12, 2018No Comments

When you buy your first home, you’re looking for a mortgage broker Toronto to help you find some financial stability. It’s important to make sure that you’ve factored in the possibilities of higher interest rates, a drop in your income or some other factor increasing your monthly expenses.

Here’s a few things you can do to stay on the safe side:

Take Increasing Interest Rates into Account

We’ve been enjoying historically low interest rates for years now, but there’s some indication that’s coming to an end. With the rates started to climb back up, responsible homeowners need to stay on their toes and understand the impact.

For example, if your mortgage is $250,000 with a 5% interest rate, you’d need to come up with another $300 monthly if the rates went up by just 2 percent.

Taking the time to do a few of these types of calculations can help you avoid some financial problems down the road. Ask us for some ideas. We’re the mortgage broker Toronto that cares.

Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help

These are unpredictable economic times and they’ve been like this for quite a while now. If you run into a problem and are going to have an issue making your mortgage payment, you need to take quick action. Lenders want to help but they need to know when you’re having difficulty. Being transparent if you run into trouble can help you solve the issue a lot quicker.

Create a Financial Cushion  

There are several different methods that you can use to pay down your mortgage quicker and create a bed of money to cover you through unforeseen events. Many mortgages offer prepayment privileges that you can look into as well as accelerated payments.

Making lump-sum payments directly on the principal is another option in some cases. We are your mortgage broker Toronto that is always happy to help.