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Here’s More Information on Commercial Real Estate Cap Rates

By March 22, 2023September 15th, 2023No Comments

The commercial real estate cap rate is the figure associated with the turn rate that investors rely on when they are trying to decide on a potential asset or property. These rates are measured in percentages. Usually, they go from three up to 20%. With the lower rate, the property has lower risk and a higher value.

The formula for risk is calculated on the amount of time it takes for someone investing in a property to recover their money.

Not The Only Metric

It’s important to keep in mind that cap rates aren’t used as a sole metric. The numbers are usually compared against similar real estate properties. As useful as these numbers are, there are certain limitations.

For example, this rate doesn’t usually take financing arrangements and mortgages into account. The number usually assumes that the deal was constructed on cash. The formula and the figure that comes out of that are based on current rents. They don’t take into account other factors like renovations or improvements and the time value of the money used in the transaction.

Market Potential

Unfortunately, cap rates don’t always reflect any property’s market potential in a complete way.

Here’s an example of how the formula works. A property generating $500,000 in income after expenses are taken into account has a current value of $5 million. The cap rate is 10% in this example. So, on an annual basis, an investor is earning 10% of their initial investment.

Investors looking for advice on a good cap rate need to understand these numbers are best used for market comparison. There are too many moving pieces that can influence these rates to come up with one specific number that’s considered good.

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