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First Time MortgageMortgage Brokers

Here’s Some Tips for Getting Approved for Commercial Mortgages

By June 30, 2022July 10th, 2023No Comments

 Interested in getting commercial mortgages? Read this.

We understand how daunting the process can be as a commercial mortgage broker. An entire project can rest on the bank’s approval.  However, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success.

  • Start by taking a careful look at your real estate needs. Spur-of-the-moment projects that are not carefully thought-out don’t usually win banker’s approval. Don’t make this common mistake. Many startups buy a place that meets their present requirements without looking towards the future.
  • A carefully planned budget needs to include several aspects. Businesses need to consider more than the purchase price or base rent.  Renovations and production downtime during a transition often get overlooked. Legal fees are an important part of these commercial mortgages. 
  • Make sure to prepare your documents before you apply. These can include details on the property you have your eye on and a solid business plan. Don’t forget you’ll need to have up-to-date financial statements.

Meeting with the banker before you bid on the property is a good idea. Especially if this is your first time applying for  commercial mortgages. That’s when the bank can advise you on other conditions that need to be met.

Assessments You Might Need

 You might need building condition assessments as well as an appraisal and a title search.

Show a little patience. Your bank will need time to go over your purchase offer. When you’re looking at commercial mortgages, don’t forget to consider any repayment flexibility. They might allow you some wiggle room to absorb the cost of moving your business. 

You might even be able to roll some renovation costs into the loan. Looking at the various financing options is a critical part of commercial mortgages.